About Us

The Reid J.K. Richards Foundation was established in 1999, in memory of Reid James Kamakahoohie Richards, who passed away following a courageous battle with lymphoma. At the time of his passing Reid was 33 years young and left behind a wife and two young children. 

The Reid J.K. Richards Foundation is a family foundation with the primary objective to provide the support necessary to aid grieving children and young adults who have lost a parent or primary caretaker through death. The loss of a parent or primary caretaker often results in financial hardship that can limit the potential achievements for many young people. To alleviate the financial burden, the Reid J.K. Richards Foundation has established the Kamakahoohie Scholarship.

The Kamakahoohie Scholarship will provide financial support to bereaved individuals up to the age of 25. The purpose of the scholarship is to help these young people in achieving their academic goals through financial assistance.

The Reid J.K. Richards Foundation has established the Kamakahoohie Scholarship to provide financial support to bereaved individuals up to the age of 25. The purpose of the scholarship is to help these young individuals in achieving their academic goals through financial assistance. We were amazed by the response to our inaugural award and inspired by the courage, strength, and endurance of the applicants. The applicants' needs filled the spectrum - from a 3 year old child who had just lost her dad and was seeking financial assistance to enter preschool, to a recent high school graduate who was working two part time jobs to assist in her household expenses and to accomplish her dream of becoming a veterinarian! Although proceeds from our two main fundraising events - our spring wine gala and our summer golf tournament - are directed towards the Kamakahoohie Scholarship, the need far exceeds the amount that we raise. Therefore, we humbly ask, if you have the financial means, for your kokua by clicking on the DONATE button!

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In Loving Memory of Reid James Kamakahoohie Richards